Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blinded by the light...

Ever been woke up by a 4 year old before? If so, then you know they can come up with some pretty creative ideas to get you out of bed in the morning. I thought I would share the story of how my son got me out of bed yesterday morning.

Now I must first set the scene so you can appreciate this story from a first person point of view of the events as they unfolded.

I am sleeping peacefully in my dark, dark room when I hear my little boy's sweet voice ask "Mommy are you going to get up?"..."Yes honey - in just a minute or two ok?". I hear tiny footsteps running away down the hall as I fall back into a relaxing sleep...once again I hear that sweet voice "Mommy?"...I slowly open my eyes...and when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a camera flash being held quite my eyes attempt to focus and recoup from the glare...away he flew down the hall only his tiny footsteps could I hear....

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