Look at that teeny tiny foot...yes it is love
My Sweetheart....
Learning to walk...
Where does the time go???
Hugs and kisses Sweetie Pie!!!
We love and adore you with all our hearts!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
May 1, 2003 - September 17, 2009
Forever in our hearts
Our sweetheart
We love you Spook!
Isn't it beautiful...I can just picture the bears already :)
I can't hardly wait!!!
Here's the progress of my newest creation....I'm thinking there's a little 'Rooooar' in my new bear...what do you think?
Just got back home from a lovely trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We stayed in this beautiful cabin located deep in the woods in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. No internet access, no phone...just God's beauty all around. No other cabins or homes near by, only a little creek across the drive to keep us company.
Yes, in case you're wondering, my husband had to drag me kicking and screaming when it was time to leave for home...
Have you ever wondered where all those socks mysteriously disappear to out of your dryer, you know, the ones you can never find the matches for? I think I may have solved the mystery...
Upon closer inspection...
I think we got our man...